It is a typeface that stands out from the standard round Gothic typeface of digital fonts. We designed a round Gothic font with a modern feel. Unlike modern designs with wide pockets, this round Gothic font has a narrow pocket. The kanji characters are designed with warm, rounded lines in mind, rather than geometric straight lines. Kana is a neutral design. The calligraphy style when the letters are put together is exceptional. *Kanji for A and B use characters with a common design.
An annual flat-rate font service that allows you to use all of the high-quality, variety of fonts from multiple manufacturers. With a wide variety of lineups, we offer various fonts such as Japanese, Hangul, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai, and Hebrew.
A "telop" that is essential for video production. Although it seems to be obvious on TV programs, even on YouTube etc., not only lines and emotional expressions, but also situation explanations, product introductions, blurs and punches, etc. , Now it is indispensable.