Thank you for your support in 2019! We look forward to working with you next year!


I ’m Fukushima from Marketing.
The end of 2019 is approaching. It's something I feel every year, but I don't think it's been over a year ...
(It seems like you released mojimo-joshi and mojimo-game at this time last year, it's been a year since then ...)

It's been five years since I joined the company, but in addition to getting used to this industry, especially in recent years, the situation in the world has changed, and as your environment continues to change moment by moment, as a marketing person, Whether you can provide services that meet your needs ... If you spend your days conscious of that, it will be one year in no time.

I think that the fontworks staff created the fonts created by the Type Designers the solutions created by the development team, and the projects that were launched by themselves, and the fontworks staff made a great deal of effort into the world.

There are many things I do every year until the end of the year, and I often have a new year without being able to look back properly, but in the past year, I will provide any service and information to everyone who supports Fontworks. I would like to look back a little if I was able to do it.

Providing high-quality fonts that are "usable and useful!"

Between April and December, LETS provided 46 new typefaces.
Not only the Tsukushi typeface, but also PalRetron, the second in the Pal series created by Type Designers Ochi, received a lot of likes and retweets on Twitter, which made designer Ochi happy, of course, but made me happy too.
This year also marks the debut of Type Designers Yamamura, who has been with the company for five years, and the release of NewGreco! This too has received a great response, and Yamamura is currently working hard on the creation of his next typeface!

New fonts from April to December 2019

In addition, we provided the typefaces of Showa Typeface, which became our new partner, as well as the typefaces of Monotype, Motoya, and Iwata throughout the year.

May: Showa typeface font added to LETS, and Showa typeface LETS newly launched

Please check out the column! The second installment of the "Pal" series is "PalRetron," which has a Western retro and Gothic Lolita motif.
Please also check out the column! "NewGreco" regular script font: A bold yet gentle kana design

"Mojimo", a service in an era where anyone can easily use fonts

It's been a year and a half since the release of mojimo-manga in March 2018. mojimo has 11 packs.
The following 6 products will be released this year as well. With a comprehensive lineup, we provide an environment where anyone can easily use fonts.

March: Launched "mojimo-live" and "mojimo-live Lite" for video creators such as YouTuber.
We provided "mojimo-live" that can be used for Video production such as videos posted for video sharing services such as YouTube and Nico Nico Douga, and videos shared on SNS such as TikTok.

April: 7 types of "Maru Mincho typeface family" from Kinuta typeface started to be provided as "mojimo-marumin"
mojimo has released the first typeface from other typeface makers.

June: Showa typeface fonts available as "mojimo-fude"
Start of providing popular calligraphy typefaces from Showa Shotaisha on mojimo.

August: Kirakawa ☆ Started providing as a font pack "mojimo-jewel ☆" used in girls' animation.
It can be used in coterie magazines, etc. that contain the "Kirakawa" font that was used in popular girls' animation.

September: Beta version of "mojimo-manga" and "mojimo-live lite" available for iPad and iPhone
Providing services for people working on touch devices

October: Launched “mojimo-VR”, a font pack specialized for VR
We provide "mojimo-VR", which is Packaging with a font that is popular for use in popular VR works such as PlayStation VR dedicated software "Hatsune Miku VR Future Live" and "Summer Lessons", and is suitable for VR / AR space. did.

mojimo-jewel ☆

Providing fonts specialized in the evolving IT field

We released fonts for ultra-small screen devices such as IoT that we conducted joint research with Kyushu University, and released a lightweight version.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the number of IoT devices in the world will increase from approximately 20 billion in 2015 to 40.3 billion in 2020. As Fontworks, we will continue to provide optimal fonts that match the characteristics of the display device.

January: Started providing fonts for ultra-small screen devices
In collaboration with Kyushu University, we developed a font suitable for display on the screen of increasingly smaller IoT devices.

February: Lightweight fonts for ultra-small screen devices “Lightweight fonts for ultra-small screen devices (Type-Ds)” and “Lightweight fonts for ultra-small screen devices (Type-Dxs)” are now available.
A lightweight version of the font for ultra-small screen devices released in January. Realizes 1/2 (Type-Ds) and 1/4 (Type-Dxs) capacity of conventional outline fonts.

December: Round Gothic font added to lightweight fonts

Event to be a place of PR

I have participated in a number of Event lectures centered on the following, but the one with the most significant significance is "Moji Fes."
I think this was the first time for us to hold this event at our company Event, and above all, it was a wonderful opportunity to have many contacts with new customers.
Through this Event, we can embody the fontworks tag line "Freedom with letters, more and more" and "Event" that "everyone can easily enjoy characters".

August: Exhibited at Digital Entertainment Expo "China Joy 2019" held in Shanghai, China

September: Exhibited and presented at "Atyp I 2019 Tokyo"

September: Exhibited and presented at "CEDEC 2019"

September: Sponsored TOKYO 2019 letterpress

September: Chinese font seminar will be held jointly with Hosho Co., Ltd.

October: “MOJI Fes.” Exhibited at “NEW TOWN 2019”

November: "Moji Fes."

Creating an environment where fonts are easier to use ... Continued sponsorship / tie-up activities

It has been one year since we have been actively engaged in activities to get people to know Fontworks through tie-ups and sponsorships with many companies and Event.

January: Sponsored “Global Game Jam Japan”
In the world's largest game development hackathon Game Jam with a Guinness record, we sponsored "mojimo-game" free of charge at venues nationwide.

February: [DLsite x Fontworks tie-up project] Offering "mojimo" to DLsite circle registrants at a special price
We are co-sponsoring mojimo at a special price for the site registrant of DLsite, the largest 2D comprehensive Downloads shop in Japan with 430,000 registered works operated by ASIS Co., Ltd.

February: Sponsored "Unity 1-week game jam" on unityroom, a free game posting site
We sponsored "mojimo-game" fonts free of charge for "Unity 1 week game jam", which is an Event that creates games in one week.

February: “LETS for Unity” with LETS expansion license for games and apps provided at a special price for Unity Pro with Teams Advanced / Plus users
In collaboration with Unity Technologies Japan LLC, which provides an integrated development environment for multi-platform "Unity", "LETS for Unity", which is a font service "LETS" and a game application LETS extended license, is added to Unity Pro. We provided a special price to those who use with Teams Advanced version (*) / Plus version.

March / September: Co-sponsoring "Virtual Market 2", a doujin content sale event on virtual space
You can try on 3D avatars and 3D models displayed at the venue, 3D models, etc. freely, and you can purchase fonts in the space at the "Virtual Market" exhibition exhibition sale in the virtual space where you can purchase using external sites. We have sponsored the use of mojimo fonts by the registered circles with a special discount.

October: Fontworks'mojimo-live 'officially adopted for Yahoo! JAPAN Creators Program

Headquarters relocation / brand / future project

In December 2019, Fontworks moved its headquarters from Fukuoka to Tokyo.
Until now, the Fukuoka head office will be the base for the design and production department and the customer success department as "Fukuoka Creative Lab", but in close cooperation with the Tokyo head office, we will continue to provide high-quality fonts and provide innovative services. We will do our best to provide it.

The following is related to the headquarters relocation ...

October: Announcement brand movie and brand website release
In 2018, which marks the 25th anniversary of our founding, we created a brand site / brand movie as a basis for the tag line created by all employees and the basis for everyone to sympathize about our corporate activities.

December: Headquarters relocation

December: Typeface Distribution for Multiple Context Device Project
Fontworks has been making concrete preparations to expand the possibilities of our characters to various platforms and devices, including providing custom fonts for Apple iOS / iPadOS.

In addition to what was introduced this time, we were able to carry out many activities with the cooperation of many people inside and outside the company. Thank you very much!

With that said, we look forward to your continued support of Fontworks in 2020!

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